
Proper venting is important to allow fresh airflow into your greenhouse. In addition, automatic vent openers can help ensure your greenhouse does not overheat on warm days.


Ventomax Automatic Vent Opener


For fully automatic greenhouse ventilation. Opener works by means of solar energy. Automatically opens and closes at preset temperatures. Can be used in conjunction with any Halls roof vent.

Spare cylinder

Replacement Piston For Auto Openers


Roof vent

Greenhouse Roof Vents

If additional ventilation is needed, extra roof vents can be added.

In stock for the following models:

Popular & Supreme: $89.00

Supreme (green coating): $119.00

Silverline: $79.00

Magnum: $89.00

Louvre 5 blade

Greenhouse Louvre Windows


Add extra cross ventilation with a louvred side window. 5 adjustable slats. Easy to fit. Silver finish.