Help & Advice

Halls greenhouses are low-tech and designed to be easily assembled with simple tools. The pieces are labelled and the kits are organized so that the pieces needed for each step are bundled together. The instructions consist mostly of diagrams and photos, with minimal text, but are supplemented with helpful installation tips, compiled by our own installers. Be sure to read them before you start – you’ll save yourself time and effort!! Please also take the time to check out the handy instructional videos to help make the installation process go a little smoother.

Our best advice? Take the time to look it all over before you start and take a very methodical approach. Diving in and reading the directions later is NOT recommended!!

If you need help or have questions, the answers are only an email away. You are welcome to bring your questions to Russell Nursery and talk to one of our staff. Most of the models are installed at the nursery and it’s helpful to be able to see how they are constructed.

Greenhouse venting

And once you are up and running…

You might be interested in a local Facebook group set up by one of our customers – Salish Sea Greenhouse Gardeners. “This group is for people on Vancouver Island, especially its southern part, who are growing food and flowers in greenhouses. It is a place to share information (eg. about best seed varieties, pest control etc.), describe lessons learned and ask questions. It is a place to share photographs, links to helpful websites, videos and articles.” Help get this site ‘growing’ by contributing your experiences either as an expert or a novice.