Do I need a greenhouse?
If you answer “yes” to several of these questions, then a greenhouse may be just the resource needed in your pursuit of that next level of gardening success.
- Do you want to start your own seedlings?
Indoor grow lights just can’t compare to natural sunlight. For stocky, healthy and bushy seedlings, moving them outside where it’s cool but bright in a protected greenhouse is the ultimate choice. - Do you want to grow more of your own food?
We all know that home grown food is the freshest, safest, and most appreciated. But in our short growing season, it’s hard to get some crops to ripen. In a greenhouse we can garden earlier in the spring, and later in the fall. Getting a jump- start on the season by seeding early ensures bountiful crops all summer, and many winter crops do even better if sheltered from the pounding rain and wind. - Do you want to protect your borderline plants?
Tender succulents, as well as some of the more fragile shrubs, perennials and potted trees and would benefit from some winter protection. Remember that container plantings lose 2 zones, so what may be hardy in the ground could be a candidate for a greenhouse vacation during the winter. - Do you want to nurture your own cuttings?
They can be started much earlier, and don’t fall prey to the pests and diseases common to cuttings rooted in over-warm, dry houses, or too-cold garden sheds. Once the warmer weather arrives, they will already be sturdy and require less fussing. - Do you crave a quiet oasis of your own? Imagine a place where you can sit, alone, to commune with your plants on those early cold days of spring; or just putter with your seeds as the rain splatters on the glass roof. Allow enough space in a greenhouse for a chair, a teacup and a magazine……
- Do you suffer from the doldrums of darkness? A sun room off the family room, in the form of a lean-to style greenhouse, adds a cozy spot in brighter light for the family to gather…
What is a greenhouse kit?
A greenhouse kit is simply a greenhouse that arrives unassembled, in cardboard boxes, with all the parts and bits labeled and clearly defined in the accompanying instructions. It is assumed that an inexperienced person, using commonly available tools, will be able to assemble and erect a greenhouse that will last for many years to come.
What do I need in my yard before my kit arrives?
Prepare the site by removing vegetation and sod. You’ll probably have to dig out a few inches of soil to create a level space. The area is usually filled in with gravel. The greenhouse will sit on a foundation of 4”x4” pressure-treated wood or cedar. (Materials for the foundation are not included with the greenhouse kit). The metal base of the house will be attached to the foundation with stainless steel screws. Please refer to the Site Prep & Foundation document.
Place concrete pavers where you will want the interior walkway, then spread pea gravel or ¾” clear crushed rock over the rest of the floor. This kind of surface absorbs heat during the day and releases it in the cooler evening temperatures. It also provides the best drainage.
So what is the first thing to do when my kit arrives?
Read the manual!! Halls has been making greenhouse kits for many years, and their clear, concise instructions have guided thousands of happy customers.
What about the greenhouse floor? Do I need a concrete floor?
No, in fact a concrete floor is not recommended, as it gets wet and stays wet, becoming slippery. However, if for some reason you do have to put in a concrete floor, then at least put in a drain.
What tools will I need to construct my greenhouse? How long will it take me to build it? How many people are required?
For the foundation, you’ll need a shovel, a rake, a pick and a good level. Use crushed gravel to level the area where the 4 by 4’s will be placed. You’ll also need a saw to cut them to length and a drill with a suitable bit to pre-drill the pilot holes for the lag bolts that hold the 4 by 4’s together. To install the greenhouse, you’ll need a ladder and a helper, occasionally, to hold things while you bolt them together. The kind of tools required are the ones most people would have in their toolbox already: level, wrenches, measuring tape, rubber mallet, that type of thing. The kits are designed as do-it-yourself projects and in most cases are a weekend project.
Is it possible to have it installed for me?
Installation service is available depending on where you live. Click here for more information.
Do you offer both glass and polycarbonate glazing?
Our Halls Greenhouses come with glass glazing only, except for the Supreme and Silverline models which have curved side panels of acrylic. In our opinion, glass is the best glazing material as it lets 90% of the light through and does not degrade in the sunlight. Glass will last forever, is easy to clean, and broken panes are easy and inexpensive to replace.
What guarantee do you provide on the materials?
Halls offers a 15-year guarantee on the aluminum frame against manufacturing defects.
What happens if I break one of the glass panels?
Luckily glass panels are inexpensive and easily replaced. Russell Nursery typically has greenhouse glass in stock which can be cut to the appropriate dimensions.
If you require replacement glass, please:
- contact us ahead of your visit to ensure we have the quantity and sizes you need
- provide us with the model and size of greenhouse as well as which specific panes need replacing
What about accessories? Will I need a heater? A fan?
Whether or not you need a heater depends on what you want to grow. If your goal is to start your own seeds or to grow winter vegetables and ripen tender crops in summer, then you probably won’t need a heater. Many people germinate their seeds inside the house, in temperatures around 70 degrees F, and then move the seedlings outside to cool, bright conditions in an unheated greenhouse. If you intend to over-winter tender plants in the greenhouse, then a heater will be needed to maintain minimum temperatures.
Ventilation in any greenhouse is absolutely mandatory, and every Halls greenhouse includes roof vents as standard equipment, so a fan may not be needed, as long as there is adequate ventilation. Optional automatic openers are available.
Accessories make greenhouse gardening even more enjoyable, and Halls offers, as optional equipment, a variety of shelving units, shade cloth, watering systems, etc.